1.3 Cookiepedia

Identifying 3rd party services on a website (insights) is a good start. The data protection assessment of the detected 3rd parties (cookies, pixels, plugins, etc.) is the real - and usually very time-consuming - challenge for legal (DPO), marketing and technology.
Our solution is Cookiepedia, a reference guide to the most commonly used services on websites. Here we provide comprehensive information, explain how the data-collecting technologies and services work - and give you some very practical tips.

Books Here is an overview of Cookiepedia

Note: Our software is constantly changing, therefore layout, designations and individual formulations may differ.
You can access and search the individual services in our database in different ways. To facilitate your search, you can sort all services alphabetically, display them within predefined categories or even call up individual services through the integrated search slot.

Open Book Here you can learn the most important things about the Cookiepedia

What is the Cookiepedia?

Writing Hand written supplement to the video

How do I fix red scan results with the help of Cookiepedia?